Charlie Daniels
The Charlie Daniels Band -- very entertaining -- very great concert!!! Camp Arifjan (here in Kuwait) set an attendance record for the outdoor stage entertainment. Estimated 5,000 fans slapping knees and whatever in time to the great fiddler. Of course, he brought the house down with the finale. He's got to be at least 70 years old -- perhaps older.
We discovered a purpose for Peeps -- you know the yellow marshmallowy things that used to be only at Easter and now come in all sorts of colors -- purple, blue, pink, and the standard yellow. They come in all sorts of shapes -- chicks, rabbits, pumpkins, etc. You name it -- there's a Peep for every occasion. Put them in the microwave and watch them grow!!! What a riot!!!! I think we've been in the desert too long.
Tom is going to like that picture. That looks like a "Cav" hat that ole Charlie is wearing.
... Ed
I remember getting in trouble for blowing up marshmallows in the microwave. Behave yourself!
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