Saturday, January 14, 2006

Back in Baghdad!

Hi Blogger Buddies ~~

I know that my big brothers advised me to keep my backside out of Iraq -- but duty calls and I'm back at Camp Victory. I got here on January 8th, to temporarily serve as the theater property book officer (PBO) for the theater equipment. That means I have a HUGE dollar amount of equipment that I'm entrusted with, along with 14 teams that manage the hand receipts and property. We have approximately 2500 customers or elements that we support throughout Iraq and Kuwait. The "real" PBO has some medical issues and was transferred to Landstuhl Germany for outpatient treatment. She's doing well (thank God!) and will be back here toward the first part of February. She and I will overlap for a few days, before I head back to Kuwait about the 9th or 10th of February. Each job I end up in, here in Theater becomes more challening that the previous. I honestly don't know how much higher I could get with regard to property book work. Each day amazes me -- some of it good amazing and some of it you wouldn't want to know about!!! I have 139 employees (a mixture of military, civilian, and contractors) among the 14 teams. Some of their talent amazes me, and once again -- some of them are nothing to write home about!!! Most of the contractors are retired military, and of course I can spot the retired Warrant Officers immediately. Must be something about the Warrant Officer "secret handshake". We'll never tell!!!!!!


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